A Simple Guide to a Pet-Friendly Home

It would certainly be an exaggeration to say that preparing for the introduction into your family of a domesticated pet requires the same level of effort and time as preparing for a new baby, but there are certainly a substantial number of changes to make and things to check.

With that being said, continue reading to discover a simple guide to creating a pet-friendly home.

Consider Wooden or Laminate Flooring

Whether you are planning on bringing a brood of bunnies into the house, a dog, a cat, or another small furry animal, regardless, you are going to find it significantly easier to keep on top of the hay, mud, and kitty litter respectively, if you remove the carpet from the main room.

Hard floors are far easier to sweep, and stains, marks and urine-related accidents are far more likely to completely vanish than if the same thing happened on the carpet, so that the initial expense may be worth it in the long-term.

Declutter Your Home

Another important aspect of preparing your home for a furry friend is to ensure that there are no hazardous materials, cleaning products, loose wires, or other electrical sources that your animal can get hold of or access.

The best way to do this, which is simultaneously beneficial to you, is to spend the day entirely and thoroughly decluttering your home, from top to bottom.

If you have any questions or are unsure about taking care of your new cat, do not hesitate to call a prestigious and renowned veterinary surgery, like saltwateranimalhospital.com, who will be more than happy to assist.

Provide Everything Your Pet Needs

Even though this next point seems as if it is so obvious, you do not need reminding; it is more than a little easy to forget something vital, so keeping a checklist handy can save you a lot of time and last-minute panic.

Now, obviously, depending on the species of pet you choose, what you need can vary. Still, the following items are the basic necessities when it comes to an animal family member:

• Litter trays or puppy training pads
• A soft and snuggly bed
• A good supply of food
• Plenty of stimulation and chew toys
• ID tags (and a lead and a collar)
• Access to a safe and clean outdoor space
• Water and food bowls
• Blankets and cuddly toys

Be Aware of Potential Hazards & Poisons

There are a certain number of foods that can be harmful, toxic, and sometimes even fatal to animals. Even though different species of domesticated pets have different levels of stomach sensitivity, substances such as caffeine and chocolate should be kept away at all costs.

Additionally, you need to remember that none of your pets should be consuming sultanas, grapes, raisins, or currants, and dogs should never, under any circumstances, be fed anything containing garlic, onion or chives.

Other potentially hazardous human foods you should keep away from your dog include peanuts, macadamia nuts, and avocados.

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